What it is

Chin fat is stubborn and difficult to get rid of with diet and exercise. Some patients prefer not to go under the knife to remove it. Belkyra treatments are a great option for reducing the fatty deposits present under the chin. Scientifically known as Deoxycholic Acid (a natural molecule), Belkyra is a tailored injectable treatment that permanently destroys fat cells under the chin. It chemically dissolves fat cell membranes and releases its content. It is then eliminated naturally through the body.    


Belkyra treatments greatly improve:

  • Double-chins

  • Stubborn chin fat

Approximate treatment duration:

30 minutes


Anesthesia is not required for Belkyra treatments. It can however be administered locally if patients are sensitive to pain.

Post-Treatment Care:

You can return home immediately after your treatment. Most patients resume normal activities such as work, driving and showering right away. It is however recommended to hold off on exercise for a minimum of 24 hours. Dr Rizis will see you 4 to 6 weeks after your treatment to assess the treated area and, if needed, perform your subsequent treatment.

Potential Risks & Complications

Although unlikely, all non-surgical procedures pose potential health risks. During the consultation, Dr Rizis will go over all possible risks and complications as well as pertinent procedure information.